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Rules & Regulations

Student Code of Conduct

Texada School has the responsibility to provide and ensure a safe and positive learning environment. Our Code of Conduct is a broad framework of behavioral expectations for students. We expect that all the members of our school community will uphold the underlying principles of the code;

  • Respect for self
  • Respect for others
  • Respect for our place

Our Code of Conduct applies to all our students during any and all school activities and on the way to and from school.

Conduct by any student that adversely affects the school climate, environment or disruption of learning shall be considered as a breach of the Code of Conduct.

Our Code of Conduct appreciates that as children grow and mature they are more able to make appropriate decisions and to be increasingly responsible for their actions.

We believe that acceptable conduct supports a positive learning environment.

Texada students are expected; while at school, on the way to and from school, and while attending any and all school functions, to;

  • Treat all persons with consideration and respect
  • Speak and behave in a positive manner towards each other
  • Keep hands and feet to themselves
  • Show respect for the building, playground and playground equipment and the environment
  • Treat the property of others with care and respect
  • Play safely with others consistent with school rules
  • Throw no objects other than balls
  • Remain on the school grounds during the school day unless they have written permission from a parent to leave the school grounds.
  • Wear appropriate clothing without offensive words, slogans or pictures
  • Leave electronic devices, cell phones, skateboards and roller blades at home.

We believe unacceptable conduct interferes with a positive learning environment.

Some examples of unacceptable conduct at Texada include:

  • Hitting, kicking and uncalled for physical roughness
  • Intimidation - threats, harassment, verbal abuse, foul language
  • Throwing objects other than balls (rocks, sticks, snowballs et al)
  • Damaging or stealing property

Clear communication between home and school is vital. When students violate the

Code of Conduct the school may contact:

  • The parents of the student who behaved in an inappropriate manner
  • The parents of the student victim(s)
  • School and District personnel when appropriate


Consideration is given to the age and maturity of Texada students along with the nature and frequency of unacceptable behaviour in determining consequences for inappropriate conduct.

Minor behaviour concerns are dealt with immediately through discussion and natural or logical consequence.

Repeated inappropriate behaviours will result in disciplinary action at the administrative level.

Inappropriate behaviour that endangers a student's safety, the safety of others or compromises classroom learning will result in disciplinary action at the administrative level.

Locks & Lockers

  • Students in grades 3 to 7 use lockers for coats & supplies
  • Lockers must be kept clean
  • Lockers are school property

Telephone Use

  • Students may ask to use the office, for emergencies only
  • The school will deliver messages to students to the best of our ability

Computer Lab Use and Internet Use and Email

  • All student users sign a District #47 acceptable use policy statement before computer access is provided
  • Expectations for use of the internet must be adhered to or loss of privileges will result
  • School expectations for computer lab use must be respected


  • All students are issued a library number and may borrow books (library upgrade in progress)
  • Students are responsible for returning all books on time and in good condition

Gym Class

  • Students should have a separate set of clothes for P.E. where reasonable
  • Shorts or jogging pants and a top or sweat shirt and running shoes are acceptable
  • All students participate in P.E. unless a medical reason prevents or limits participation; a note from parents is required

Field Trips

  • Permission from parents will be required for student participation for each field trip
  • Field trips are part of regular school programs
  • Booster Seats are mandatory for all children at least 40 lbs. until they are 4'9" tall or age nine

Drivers and other Volunteers

  • Employee drivers must show proof of insurance
  • Volunteer helpers may be asked for a Criminal Records Check

Prohibited Areas & Activities

  • fighting, bullying, or intimidating others
  • any areas behind the school building or beyond the fenced area without an adult
  • the roof of the school
  • attendance at school under the influence of or possession of tobacco, drugs or alcohol
  • snowball throwing
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