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General Info


The main office is open from 8:00am – 3:30pm daily.  If telephoning, absence or attendance messages can be left 24 hours a day. Parents and guardians may also notify their child's teacher and/or our office manager, Mrs. Cecconi, using email at Susanne.Cecconi@sd47.bc.ca.  You may also download the SafeArrival app.

Students leaving school during the day must sign out at the office with a parent or guardian in attendance.

For safety reasons, please notify the school if your child is not returning to school after lunch.

Students are required to remain on the school grounds from the time of their arrival until dismissal, unless the parent or guardian has given permission for the student to leave.

Accident Procedures

Only minor first aid will be administered at the school.  If additional treatment is necessary, parents or an emergency contact person will be phoned.

Where neither the parent nor the designated contact person can be reached, the child will be taken to the hospital, unless the parents have given the school different instructions.

In serious situations, an ambulance will be called to transport your child to medical treatment. Please note: this cost will be not be covered by the School District.


Regular assembly dates will occur throughout the school year. The dates will communicated through the WAG, email and may be sent home with our students.

Parents and Guardians are welcomed to attend our assemblies.

Bicycle Safety and Security

Please note that the School District is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal items, including bicycles.

Helmets and bicycle locks are mandatory.

Parents who permit children to ride bikes to school are requested to review traffic rules with their children. Bicycles are not to be loaned to, or borrowed by, other students.

Bikes are not to be ridden on the school grounds unless there is an approved event (such as a bike rodeo or bike parade).

Students should dismount at the school gate and walk the bike to the bike rack.

Bus Behaviour

It is expected that students will follow school expectations.  This includes but is not limited to:

  • keeping your hands and feet to yourself
  • following adult instructions the first time they say it
  • speaking to everyone in a polite manner
  • not having any items on the bus that you would not have at school (see below)

If it is reported that a student is demonstrating negative physical or verbal behaviour on the bus, there will be only one warning. If there is a second offence, the student may lose bus riding privileges for a specified length of time. It is imperative that the bus driver’s attention is on the road and not on poorly behaved students. This is a safety issue.

Should a student lose bus riding privileges, parents are responsible for making alternate transportation arrangements.


Students and parents are expected to sign an Acceptable Use Policy before they are given the opportunity to use the Internet.

Dress Code

Students should be attired appropriately for school. Clothing should be appropriate for an elementary school setting. With students aged 5 to 13 we expect our older students to set good examples for our younger students. If a student is dressed inappropriately (including inappropriate graphics or language) they will be asked to call home for a change of clothing or will be provided with something appropriate to wear.

Emergency Drills

Students and staff will practice emergency drills throughout the school year.

Fire Drills/Plan

Teachers will direct students early in the year as to the proper procedure.

Classes remain at the designated area, waiting quietly in line, until the ‘all clear’ signal. That is the signal to walk quietly back to the classroom lead by the classroom teacher. For all clear, the school bell will be rung twice.

Earthquake Drills/Plan

Teachers will direct students early in the year as to the proper procedure.

Do not enter the building unless directed by the Principal (or designate).

The ‘all clear’ signal is the school bell ringing twice.

Lock Down Drills/Plan

Teachers will direct students early in the year as to the proper procedure.

Students will remain in designated areas until directed by the Principal (or designate).

Head Lice

Never a pleasant topic, but they are around from time to time. Head lice are a nuisance, but not a serious health hazard. Head lice are very easily passed from child to child during play. We are very fortunate to have an active parent volunteer group who conduct school-wide head checks and help us get information to parents and guardians. Our lice management program helps us once again provide the best learning environment for all of our children. It would be of enormous help if parents/guardians who find lice in their children's hair were to inform the school secretary immediately so that the school can check other students in the class. This helps to prevent the spread of lice and nits. We appreciate everyone’s help in keeping us nit free!

Lost and Found

Please be proactive and label all of your children’s’ belongings including backpacks, jackets, hats and school supplies. Lost and Found items are collected and can be found in the commons area. Unclaimed items will be donated after a designated length of time.

Please note that the School District is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items.  Items of value (personal or monetary) should be left at home.


If your child must take medication during school hours, please consult with the office manager for the appropriate forms to be completed by both parent/guardian and your child's physician. Medicine should NOT be stored in your child's backpack or lunch kit without permission from the office.

Physical Violence and Bullying

Safety is a priority at Westview Elementary.  Fighting of any sort, even 'play-fighting,' is forbidden, as are any activities where students could be hurt (e.g.: throwing snowballs, rocks, pine cones, sticks, etc.).

Physical violence and bullying are taken very seriously Westview. Students who physically fight, repeatedly punch or kick, throw dangerous items at people, and/or bite may potentially be suspended from school. Students who engage in bullying behaviours (physical, verbal, social or cyber; both inside and outside the school day) may be subject to school consequences (even suspension).

Promotion Policy

Generally, students will progress along with their peers with the goal of mastering skills taught each year. In very special circumstances, the classroom teacher, in consultation with the school-based team and the parents/guardians, may recommend that a student be retained in a grade.

School-Based Team (SBT)

The school-based team provides a support network to teachers and parents of at-risk students or those with special needs.  The goal of the school-based team is to enable all students to achieve their individual potential.

The SBT usually consists of the following members: an administrator, the school counselor, the learning-assistance teacher, the special needs teacher, the parents or guardians, and the child's classroom teacher.  

Other members (if required) are as follows: school psychologist, speech and language therapist, other relevant district staff and/or various community agency representatives.

School Day:

Before School

Parents are asked not to send children to school before 8:45 a.m. There is no active supervision.

Students are expected to remain outdoors until the 8:58 bell unless they are involved in a teacher-supervised activity.


All students are expected to go outside for recess (10:30 -10:45). Students should come to school dressed appropriately for all weather. In some extreme cases of poor weather students will stay inside.


Outside play time is from 12:15 - 12:45pm.

Students may eat lunch before or after outside play time depending on their class schedule.

If you would like your child to come home for lunch, for safety reasons, please issue a letter  to the office detailing this information and it will be kept on file.

On particularly wet days during the year, children need to wear proper rain gear and boots to school as they will be out-of-doors for recess and lunch breaks to have some fresh air and movement.

Student Progress

Each year, parents of elementary students will receive three written reports and at least two informal reports (conferences) describing their child's progress. The informal reports include Parent-Teacher Conferences in the Fall and Student-Led Conferences held in the Winter. As well, parents or teachers may request interviews or meetings at any other time.

Student Health

Please keep children at home during times of illness. Schools are not equipped to handle sick children.

Where necessary, medical-alert cards are maintained in the school to ensure that students with acute, special or life-threatening health issues (e.g., allergies to bee stings) will be monitored on a continuing basis.

It is the responsibility of the parents/guardian to inform the school each year of health issues which may affect a child's schooling (this also applies to an existing condition that may have changed).


Westview Elementary staff and students welcome parents, guardians and grandparents to visit and/or volunteer in their child’s school. Feel free to talk to your child's teacher or Principal if you have a specific skill which could be shared with our students. We also have a very active PAC group that would love to have more members. If you are interested in helping out in any way, please contact Ms. Kennedy.

Weapons and/or Dangerous Materials

For safety reasons, the following are not allowed on мÓÆÂtoto¿ª½±½á¹û property, including buses and field trips:

  • Fire crackers, fireworks, bullets, weapons of any kind (knives, guns, other) - authentic or imitation (toy)
  • Laser light pens
  • Drugs or alcohol
  • Cigarettes, e-cigarettes ("vapes") or lighters

Parents will be immediately contacted if the above items are brought to school, and this behaviour may result in suspension.


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