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Student Leadership:

Our schools runs a very robust student leadership program. We have a student council that houses the various clubs that run here. Each year it varies but it can include any or all of the following clubs: Drumming - Singing, Green team, Pride club, Sports, Chess - Board Games, Crochet, and Event Coordination.

Here's an explanation on the Ambassador program that is announced at our May Day event. 

James Thomson School Ambassador Program

The James Thomson student ambassadors are formally selected at the May Day Assembly. They are current Grade 6 students chosen to represent the school and act as a liaison between the school and the community, prospective students, or visitors. Their primary role is to promote and positively represent the school in various capacities. 

 Here are some common responsibilities of JT student ambassadors: 

  • Campus Tours: Student ambassadors may lead tours for prospective students, families, or visitors, showcasing the facilities, classrooms, and other amenities of the school. They provide information and answer questions about campus life, academics, extracurricular activities, and student experiences.
  • Students Council: Active involvement in the school’s student council and any district council. Be instrumental in planning, and delivering the initiatives and activities for students, staff, and the community. 
  • Open Houses and Events: Ambassadors often participate in school open houses, orientations, and other events, where they engage with visitors, provide information, and share their personal experiences as students. They may also assist with event organization and logistics.
  • Public Relations and Communication: Ambassadors may contribute to the school's social media presence, blog posts, articles, and provide testimonials about their school experience. They act as advocates for their school, promoting its achievements, opportunities, and positive aspects. They also will be called upon to speak at various assemblies including Remembrance Day, Christmas, and May Day.
  • Mentorship and Support: Student ambassadors may serve as mentors or guides for new or prospective students, offering support, answering questions, and helping them navigate the school environment. They may also assist with orientation programs or student transition activities.
  • Community Engagement: Ambassadors can participate in community service initiatives, volunteer work, or outreach programs on behalf of the school. They represent the school positively in the wider community and contribute to its reputation. 

Suggested Ambassador Qualities:

  • Considerate and kind to other students.
  • Helpful and caring towards students and staff.
  • Active involvement in the Student’s Council during their Grade 6 School year.
  • Active involvement in at least one other club / leadership opportunity during their Grade 6 year and/or in previous years at school.
  • Excellent sportsmanship in teams and/or at school.
  • Willing to speak in public. 

Who will listen to the Ambassadors speeches and decide on who is selected?

  • The school principal, the JT staff selection committee, and the current Ambassadors will be present during the speeches. 
  • The decision will be made by the principal and staff that have volunteered to be on the committee. 

What Should be Included in your letter and speech to the committee?

  • Why do you feel you would make a good Ambassador. 

Other items you may want to include: 

  • What have you done to help in the school?
  • How do you help other students or adults at school, at home and in the community?
  • Your hobbies or interests in and out of school?
  • What are your priorities as a student leader for next year.

Student Centre

This section of the school web site will be devoted to student information and resources, with the current collection of material expanding over time. If you have suggestions as to other types of resources you would like to see made available please forward your requests to info@sd47.bc.ca.

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