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Student Reporting

At James Thomson Elementary School we are using  progress reports through MyEd to communicate your child's progress. Each term you will receive  a record of your child's development.

In addition to standard reporting, teachers will also be communicating with you regarding your child's progress within the BC Core Competencies. We invite you to learn more about the   and .

Assessment and Reporting:

Assessment and curriculum are interconnected. Curriculum sets the learning standards that inform classroom instruction and assessment. Assessment involves the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to describe and evaluate students' progress towarding meeting provincial learning standards. Thoughtful assessment practices inform responsive and meaningful communication that provide students and families with clear understanding of learning progress, as well as goals for future learning.

Effective communication between home and school is central to student success. Our assessments and reports are designed to:

  • communicate student learning and progress in ways that are meaningful, varied, and responsive
  • encourage open dialogue between the student, home, and school
  • focus on conceptual learning (know-do-understand), with an emphasis on competencies
  • promote student ownership of learning
  • rely on authentic evidence of learning

During the school year, communication with parents/guardians about their child's progress may take a variety of forms, such as, but not limited to:

  • progress reports
  • summative reports
  • student eportfolios
  • student-led and inclusive conferences
  • parent/teacher meetings
  • emails
  • telephone calls
  • other authentic samples and demonstrations of student learning

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